dark horse

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dark horse

  1. kilpahevonen, ravuri, musta hevonen, viranhakija, ehdokas, kandidaatti.

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musta hevonen puhekieltä Someone who possesses talents or favorable characteristics that are not known or expected by others.
2005, (w), w:Celandine (novel)|Celandine, London: (w), Special:BookSources/9780385609180 ISBN 978-0-385-60918-0; republished London: w:Transworld Publishers|Corgi Books, 2006, Special:BookSources/9780552549684 ISBN 978-0-552-54968-4, page 13:

As she pulled the door closed behind her, she heard the nurse say, “Well! You’re a dark horse, I must say! Do you know that extraordinary-looking girl?”
2009, (w), w:Twenties Girl|Twenties Girl: A Novel, London: (w), Special:BookSources/9780385342025 ISBN 978-0-385-34202-5; republished London: w:Transworld Publishers|Black Swan, 2010, Special:BookSources/9780552774369 ISBN 978-0-552-77436-9, page 183:
“Well!” Genevieve laughs – the kind of bright, trilling laugh you give when you’re really quite annoyed about something. “Ed, you are a dark horse! I had no idea you had a girlfriend!”
puhekieltä A candidate for an election who is nominated unexpectedly, without previously having been discussed or considered as a likely choice.


  • "http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0115151/ Dark Skies w:Internet Movie Database|Internet Movie Databasessa"


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